A Premier Management Consulting & Training Organization

Many standards have been developed within food safety: specific company standards, legal regulations, as well as standards developed by retailers. Their proliferation made their application difficult. At the same time, food safety principles have spread across the world. The safety of foodstuffs has become a major issue for all players in the food chain. A single standard with worldwide reach, and including the food safety principles, thus became necessary.

ISO 22000 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization dealing with food safety. This is a general derivative of ISO 9000, a technical specification on food safety requirements and guidelines. 
Food safety is linked to the presence of food-borne hazards in food at the point of consumption. Since food safety hazards can occur at any stage in the food chain it is essential that adequate control be in place. Therefore, a combined effort of all parties through the food chain is required.
The ISO 22000 international standard specifies the requirements for a food safety management system that involves the following elements:

  • interactive communication
  • system management
  • prerequisite programs
  • HACCP principles

Critical reviews of the above elements have been conducted by many scientists [1], [2], [3],.[4] Communication along the food chain is essential to ensure that all relevant food safety hazards are identified and adequately controlled at each step within the food chain. This implies communication between organizations both upstream and downstream in the food chain. Communication with customers and supplies about identified hazards and control measures will assist in clarifying customer and supplier requirements.
Recognition of the organization's role and position within the food chain is essential to ensure effective interactive communication throughout the chain in order to deliver safe food products to the final consumer.
The most effective food safety systems are established, operated and updated within the framework of a structured management system and incorporated into the overall management activities of the organization. This provides maximum benefit for the organization and interested parties. ISO 22000 has been aligned with ISO 9001 in order to enhance the compatibility of the two standards.
ISO 22000 can be applied independently of other management system standards or integrated with existing management system requirements.
ISO 22000 integrates the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system and application steps developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. By means of auditable requirements, it combines the HACCP plan with prerequisite programmes. Hazard analysis is the key to an effective food safety management system, since conducting a hazard analysis assists in organizing the knowledge required to establish an effective combination of control measures. ISO 22000 requires that all hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur in the food chain, including hazards that may be associated with the type of process and facilities used, are identified and assessed. Thus it provides the means to determine and document why certain identified hazards need to be controlled by a particular organization and why others need not.
During hazard analysis, the organization determines the strategy to be used to ensure hazard control by combining the prerequisite programmes and the HACCP plan.
ISO is developing additional standards that are related to ISO 22000. These standards will be known as the ISO 22000 family of standards. At the present time, the following standards will make up the ISO 22000 family of standards:

  • ISO 22000 - Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organization in the food chain.
  • ISO 22001 - Guidelines on the application of ISO 9001:2000 for the food and drink industry (replaces: ISO 15161:2001).
  • ISO/TS 22002- Prerequisite programmes on food safety—Part 1: Food manufacturing
  • ISO TS 22003 - Food safety management systems for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management systems.
  • ISO TS 22004 - Food safety management systems - Guidance on the application of ISO 22000:2005.
  • ISO 22005 - Traceability in the feed and food chain - General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation.
  • ISO 22006 - Quality management systems - Guidance on the application of ISO 9002:2000 for crop production.
  • ISO 22000 is also used in the Food Safety Systems Certification (FSSC) Scheme FS22000. FS22000 is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) approved scheme

During hazard analysis, the organization determines the strategy to be used to ensure hazard control by combining the PRP(s), operational PRP(s) and the HACCP Plan.

  • food safety

    NOTE: The figure does not show the type of interactive communications along and across the food chain that by-pass immediate suppliers and customers.

    Figure 1 – Example of communication within the food chain

ISO 9001 vs ISO 22000

In comparison with ISO 9001, the standard is a more procedural orientated guidance than a principle based one. Apart from that, ISO 22000 is an industrial-specific risk management system for any type of food processing and marketing, which can be closely incorporated with the quality management system of ISO 9001. The detailed similarities and differences of the two standards can be found elsewhere [5], [6], [7],.[8]

What are the key benefits?
  • Greater impact on customers
  • Increased transparency
  • Streamlined production
  • Minimization of significant food risks
  • Effective control of internal processes and minimizing risk of failure
  • Increased staff motivation by focusing on a job well done
  • Signal sent about a proactive approach to food safety
  • Focus kept on your essential challenges
Why Quality Foundation – Kolkata

Consultants of Quality Foundation follow a Structured approach (Process flow diagram for System Development)  for developing ISO 22000:2005 Food safety Management Systems through consultancy and training services, involving all concerned personnel (Scope of Consultancy) there by developing the competence in personnel for documenting, implementing, maintaining and also aiming for continual improvement during and after completion of consultancy, training and handholding services.

Consultants of Quality foundation are the Only Senior consultant registered with National Board of Quality Promotion /Quality Council of India, in the eastern region, Kolkata for QMS. Strongly believes in Value addition, Provides Customised Solutions. Possess Expertise in Diversified sectors namely chemicals, Engineering & Manufacturing, Food Processing, Construction, Pharmaceuticals, Fertilizers, Leather processing, Services Industries like After sales service support, IT, Finance, Schools, Hospitals, Hotel & Restaurant Industry. Quality Foundation have dedicated consultants having in depth knowledge and experience in Management systems consulting & Training. Have consulted and trained for More than 200 + Clients across India on various ISO Standards.

Services Offered towards – ISO 22000:2005

  1. Consultancy services towards development of Food safety management systems which shall include
  • Conducting Food Safety Awareness programme for all your employees.
  • Development & Integration of Systems Management – if the company is having a ISO 9001:2015 system or else development of 22000 FSMS
  • Documentation development on the PRP(s), operational PRP(s), the HACCP Plan, and Food Safety Manual.
  • Implementation assistance on the PRP(s), operational PRP(s) and the HACCP Plan.
  • Conducting internal audit as per ISO 22000:2005
  • Assistance during Certification audits
  1. Internal Auditor Training program – ISO 22000:2005
  2. Training on Food safety acts, PFA regulations & Alignment of Food safety Objectives
  3. Training on Good Manufacturing Practices and Good hygiene Practices
  4. Training on ISO/TS 22002- Prerequisite programmes (PRP) on food safety
  5. Industry based Hazard identification, CCP, PRP,  – (Eg. Presentation attached for Bakery industry ) – (ATTACH PDF)
  6. Many more Training programs as per customer requirements
References & notes

  1. ^ Surak, John G.. "ISO 22000: Requirements for Food Safety Management Systems". http://www.asq.org/qic/display-item/index.html?item=20317. Retrieved 28 February 2008.
  2. ^ Hiroshi, Ogawa. "Sterilization and sanitation technologies in the latest food manufacture processes, Total food safety management by ISO 22000 "food safety management system"". http://sciencelinks.jp/j-east/article/200705/000020070505A0463346.php. Retrieved 28 February 2008.
  3. ^ Mijanović Markuš, Marina (May 2006). "ISO 22000:2005 and HACCP" (PDF). Festival kvaliteta 2006.. Asocijacija za kvalitet i standardizaciju Srbije. http://www.cqm.rs/fq2006/pdf/A/52%20-%20Markus%20M%20M.pdf. Retrieved 17 October 2010.
  4. ^ Prati, R; Deborah A. McIntyre (2004). "The new ISO 22000 (final proposal) norm on food safety management". Ingredienti Alimentari (Chiriotti Editori Spa) 3 (4): 19–21. http://www.cababstractsplus.org/google/abstract.asp?AcNo=20043181268. Retrieved 28 February 2008.
  5. ^ Surak, John G.. "Comparison of ISO 9001 and ISO 22000". http://foodsqm.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/comparison_of_iso_9001_and_iso_22000.pdf. Retrieved 28 February 2008.
  6. ^ Faergemand, Jacob; Dorte Jespersen. "ISO 22000 to ensure integrity of food supply chain". http://www.iso.org/iso/tool_5-04.pdf. Retrieved 28 February 2008.
  7. ^ Frost, Roger. "ISO 22000 is first in family of food safety management system standards". http://www.iso.org/iso/iso-22000_food_safety.pdf. Retrieved 28 February 2008.
  8. ^ Goichiro, Yukawa. "The points of ISO 22000". http://sciencelinks.jp/j-east/article/200618/000020061806A0655370.php. Retrieved 28 February 2008.
  9. ^ European Office of Crafts, Trades and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for Standardisation (2004). "Normapme Food Group Position on TC 34 draft standard ISO 22000". http://www.normapme.com/docs/positions/2004/iso22000%20position%20of%20NORMAPME.pdf. Retrieved 28 February 2008.
  10. ^ NORMAPME (2007). "Promoting craft and SMEs in the area of European standardisation". http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/entrepreneurship/craft/craft-priorities/doc_stand/normapme_report_2007.pdf. Retrieved 28 February 2008.
  11. ^ Dias Report (2003). "Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food sector". http://www.lcafood.dk/lca_conf/DJFrapport_paper_2_poster.pdf. Retrieved 29 February 2008.
  12. ^ URS/PK Project Report (2007). "Training Courses on International Standards and Regulations for the Food Industry". http://www.safefood.org.pk/training/Final%20Report.pdf. Retrieved 29 February 2008.

External links

Process flow diagram for System Development

Study Materials / Presentation on FOOD SAFETY RISK MANAGEMENT-in Bakeries.

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